Terms of Use
* The purpose of this website is to provide information on the activities of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Environment Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and its affiliates. Any customer visiting this website is asked to read and agree to the following terms and conditions prior to using the website.
* Customers browsing, using, or downloading the content or information on this website will be deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions set out below. The content, information and URL may be changed or deleted without any prior notice.
1. Handling of personal information
- - Personal information obtained from customers will be handled properly based on the Company’s privacy policy.
- - Personal information, suggestions or inquiries obtained from customers will be used only for the purposes of giving feedback to customers or improving the Company’s products and services. They will not be used for any other purpose.
- - Personal information obtained from customers will not be disclosed to any third party for purposes other than providing services to customers.
- - Beneficial services may be provided to customers via email or post, based on personal information obtained from customers.
2. Copyright
Copyright on the content of this website belongs to the Company or its affiliates unless otherwise specified. Customers using this website may copy the documents of this website only for non-commercial purposes and for internal uses, on the condition that copies of the documents retain copyright notice of the Company or its affiliates.
Except for the above, this website does not grant copyright, patent, trademark, or any other intellectual property rights. In case usage conditions are indicated on individual documents, such conditions shall prevail.
3. Trademarks
Trademarks and service marks used on this website belong to the Company or the right holders who authorized the Company to use them. They shall not be used without permission.
4. Disclaimer
The Company and its affiliates make no warranty of any kind, with respect to the documents and content of this website. The Company shall not be responsible for any error found on the documents of this website. Content of this website may be altered or deleted without any prior notice.
5. Forward-looking statements
The Company may from time to time post to this website information related to the future business and performance of the Company or the corporate group it belongs to. Such information is what is judged reasonable by the Company based on information available at the time of publishing. Actual circumstances may be different from the forecast or outlook posted in this website due to changes in various factors. Therefore, customers shall refrain from relying solely on such information and shall note that the Company is not obligated to revise them.
6. Links
If you wish to create a link to this website, please send an application to the Company in writing in advance. Your application shall include your name, your contact details (address, telephone number and email address), URL of the page in which the link will be placed, content of the linked website and purpose of the link. URL of this website to be linked shall be “https://www.shiev.shi.co.jp/”, in principle.
7. Linked sites
External websites linked to and from this website (“linked sites”) are operated under the responsibilities of respective linked sites. Customers visiting linked sites shall follow the terms and conditions of use of respective linked sites. The Company is not responsible for content of linked sites and any loss or damage arising from customers’ use of linked sites.
8. Use of cookies
This website obtains information through cookies to provide better services to customers. The Company may use information obtained through cookies, linking them with customers’ personal information. For details, please visit the page about the company’s cookie policy.
9. Statistical processing of visitor data
The Company’s system automatically compiles IP addresses of customers who visit this website to prepare statistics on page usage. Individual customers will not be identified. For details, please see the company’s cookie policy referred to in the previous section.
10. Governing law and jurisdiction
This website and the terms and conditions of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Unless otherwise specified, the Tokyo District Court of Japan shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction for all disputes related to this website and agreed terms.