Mission of
SHI Environment
People, animals, plants… All living things need water to survive. Water is, without question, the essence of life. At Sumitomo Heavy Industries Environment, one of our most important missions is to deliver the blessings of water to everyone and every place, thereby ensuring safety and security. To this end, we apply leading technologies developed and refined over many years to make full use of our precious water resources.
Supporting Daily Life
On rising in the morning, we make breakfast, wash our faces, take a shower, use the toilet… All these activities are repeated day after day, and water is always there to make them possible. Clean water is available to us at all times. After use, water is treated appropriately and returned to the seas.
Many of us take this for granted, but, from a global perspective, these conditions mark good fortune indeed. One of our missions is to apply manufacturing technologies and services to ensure water is always available for daily needs.
Supporting Industry
We need water not just to grow rice and vegetables but to produce various products in factories. Vast amounts of industrial water are used every day to prepare raw materials and for washing, cooling, air conditioning, and boiler operations. The total amount of industrial water consumed around the world each day would fill the Tokyo Dome a hundred times over. Our water treatment technologies are used in agricultural, industrial, and other fields to process large volumes of water for specific applications and to treat drain water for recycling.
Preserving the Environment
Another important mission is to treat wastewater discharged from households and factories so that we can return it safely to the seas or rivers and to process and manage waste appropriately to prevent harm to the environment. Of the 1.4 billion km³ of water present on Earth, only about 0.01% is suitable for our use. Returning clean water to the natural environment not only preserves the global environment but allows us to continue to enjoy the blessings of water.